A downloadable game

'Toot Toot' is a game about hoplite battles of Ancient Greece.

Players arrange their available units, assign them orders (move, attack, hold and like) and then begin the game.

Assigned orders can be changed throughout the game but it is meant to be not guaranteed. Each order mode comes with certain restrictions that limit what units can (or even have) to do.

The attempt to change orders happens by the use of cards. Cards fulfill the role of signals given by commanders to their troops. In Ancient Greece, a tube called salpinx was one of the instrument used in this capacity. On a certain Ancient Greek vase, there is an Amazon Warrior depicted with such a tube and using it. The painting is labeled with Ancient Greek onomatopoeia 'TOTE TOTOTE'. 

The feature of this design: it tries to represent the influence of noise on the battlefield. Our units create volumes of noise that make communication more difficult and eventually even impossible. Even issuing orders create new levels of volume.

This means that direct orders, issued by leaders leading from the front (and risking Leader Casualty game effects), can be of relevance.

The game is quite early in the development. Currently, it exists mostly as a TTS module where the concept is being polished and tested. This means that for now I have no pdf files to share... and that even the content of my TTS module will be subject to change (cards, wording etc.).

More to come.

TTS Module link


Toot-CardsCountersMap01.pdf 16 MB
charts-basic01.pdf 715 kB
TootToot-Rules01.pdf 2.8 MB
TootToot Rules1907.pdf 1.6 MB
Tote Totote Rules 1608.pdf 572 kB
TootToot05.pdf 17 MB
Tote Totote Rules 05.pdf 2.7 MB
Tote Totote Rules 0311Persia.pdf 3.1 MB
TootToot06Persia.pdf 18 MB
TootToot07.pdf 14 MB
Tote Totote Rules 07.pdf 3.2 MB

Development log

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